Terrifying Glass Skywalk

 News     |      2018-10-26 17:45

Terrifying Glass Skywalk




Glass walkways  has been a rising trend in China. You can hear the glass walkways wherever go to a tourist attraction or shopping in mall.



The Glass Skywalk extends out 69.6 meters from the cliffside, hangs 300 meters over the canyon. It’s modeled after the Grand Canyon Skywalk, which sticks out a mere 21 meters.




Imagining standing on transparent bottom bridge, it is terrible. It offers intrepid tourists a vertigo-inducing view of the 80 meters ground.




The gallery was shaped into an “A” shape, and it extended at a straight 90° angle from the cliff. The bridge deck was covered with full transparent glass. The site also features numerous other adventurous thrills where you can really test your courage.





It’s something that daredevils should definitely check out while in China. Getting a adrenaline-filled walking experiences in Glass Skywalk!